Hello friends ! This blog is specially dedicated to Doctors or Upcoming doctors and for those also who are going to be selecting doctor as their profession . Actually now a days what i noticed is that in our country every Doctors think about themselves and their family and not about their Duties .
In India many of rural areas facing health related issues in which medical facilities and shortage of medical staff is common . Many of government hospitals are facing such problems . Recently a one of them come in front of me who encourage me to discuss this or to write about this topic. As we all know are soldiers are one of the life saver and protector of our country and treated as armed . And on second hand Doctors are also an Armed they save our life too . They didn’t matter caste system , person background either he is a good person or bad . He all think about his promise that he had given at the time of his /her studies.
But for now it is all oppose of it . All of them just think about themselves and of their family and one of the major point is about money .Recently i heard about an incident in Mahad village near Navi Mumbai where a seven year old girl died just y not getting medical facilities on time in rural area and their where no doctors at that time.
I am not saying that all fault is of doctors but what i want to say is our country need to be improve in medical field .Government should have to take some major steps regarding medical health care program they should provide medical facilities in rural areas . So that people get treatment at time with best facilities.
If doctors are there then there is shortage of equipment . Food poisoning is not a big problem but due to lack of facilities in treatment is not given to that patient and at the age of seven she lost her life.
The hospitals is struggling to cater to the increasing number of patients . Finding Doctors for the Government Hospital is not a big problem . the problem is finding Doctors who will continue their work in rural areas. “Most of our Doctors are bounded and they quit once the contract is over.”the Mbbs Doctors want to study further and want to go away after completion of work . Doctors don’t want to stay long in rural areas for long. so they are quit to government jobs to work in private jobs in urban areas. while doing this they don’t mind compromising with their salary for their kids .
level of health care at government hospitals are below standard level .”if their is need of better treatment patient has to shift at private hospital and have to pay all time higher amount asked by them.
i am not saying to stop thinking about yourself but please ! once think about that rural areas who need your help to if all of doctors community will decided t spent at least 3 years in rural areas i think we will fight with these small issue which is right now a major issue . we should once think about soldiers and their family also they also made sacrifice for our safety can’t we? what do you all think ? one of the best line for Doctors should repeat daily is ;
I am a doctor — it’s a profession that may be considered a special mission, a devotion. It calls for involvement, respect and willingness to help all other people.
Dr. Shivani Bhardwaj


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