As we all know we all are equal in the view of god . but is it correct in our manner .i don't think so because here we are fighting with law of equality .on one hand people are saying both man and women have equal rights and on other they doing oppose of it by neglecting women by taking support of god by saying that women are menstruating due which they can't go to temple . What i want to say is women's right to pray to god is not dependent on this type of mentality .
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This type of recent case had happened in the state of Kerala's in Sabrimala temple .women in the menstruating age group are restricted from offering prayers at Sabarimala as the presiding deity .
when women is made in that way she is by god or by nature for those who don't believe in god... why should her menstruating status be a factor for anything ? no law rule and regulation cannot stop the women to enter the temple .
many time i noticed this type of issues happen when people start humiliating a girl when she start menarche .they start treating her like a women and even in rural area the condition in rural area is more worse as compared to urban area the give different room to that girl she is thrown out of the house like a garbage .
by the born of the girl child she is only given a lesson to give not to receive and be silent don't raise your voice but not from now we should come along to fight for our self .
if menarche is fault and its a impurity then doing sex and giving birth is too impurity. first stop all this then try to taught the lesson of purity.
this my blog is not against any community but against the law and for those people who make girl child to be think that they have been grown too much to handle or tackle all her responsibility.which is not possible after all them have right to live ,right to pray, right to take decision of herself.
"The right to enter temple is not dependent on is the constitutional right ."


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