
Hey friends!
My this blog is about to provide you some medical knowledge about tonsillitis . In which I had taken help from google and books too and some of my own view too.Here you will get complete knowledge about tonsillitis. And no need of going anywhere and ask about it to anyone even you can also diagnosis your symptoms and went cure and take prevention at early stage and by doing this you can take care of your near and dear. Here I had tried talk about symptoms,causes,risk factor ,diagnosis,treatment and many more . My basic aim is to keep you update about your body and it’s changes due to weather . Many of you many time ask about different type of diseases that’s why I decided to start writing. So if anyone tell me or ask me about any disease I will put my blog in front of him . After reading this he or she had doubt I will work again on it. So without wasting time on it let’s begin with description.


Tonsillitis occurs when your tonsils become infected, and can be caused by either bacteria or viruses. Tonsillitis can develop in people of all ages. However, adults who get tonsillitis have generally had more infections in their lives, dso they no longer get sick as often as children.
Tonsillitis can develop in people of all ages. However, adults who get tonsillitis have generally had more infections in their lives, so they no longer get sick as often as children.
The tonsils sit at the back of the mouth and are part of the body’s immune system.


Most cases (around 80%) of tonsillitis are caused by a virus. Many types of viruses can cause tonsillitis, including cold and flu viruses. These can spread easily from person to person through coughing or sneezing, hand contact and direct contact with the virus on surfaces (e.g. door handles).


The symptoms of tonsillitis include:
  • -Sore throat;
  • -Pain with swallowing;
  • -Fever;
  • -Headache;
  • -A general feeling of being unwell;
  • -Tiredness;
  • -Bad breath;
  • -Painful, swollen lymph nodes (glands) at the side of the neck;
  • -Red, swollen tonsils;
  • -Pus or white spots on the tonsils;
  • -Pain in the ears.


It is not easy to tell when tonsillitis is caused by bacteria – your doctor may do a throat swab (gently rubbing sterile cotton wool on a stick over the tonsil) and send it for testing.
There are many viruses that can cause tonsillitis. Antibiotics do not help if the tonsillitis

Risk factor and complications

  • -Breathing difficulties when sleeping: known as obstructive sleep apnoea.
  • -Middle ear infection called otitis media.
  • -Quinsy: an abscess (collection of pus) that develops between a tonsil and the side of the throat (also known as a peritonsillar abscess);
  • -Deep infection in the surrounding areas of the throat (tonsillar cellulitis).


  • -Throat pain and fever may be relieved with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol).
  • -Ease sore throat pain by gargling frequently with warm salt water (8 ounces of warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of salt).
  • -Throat lozenges may provide temporary pain relief.
  • Drink plenty of clear liquids to avoid dehydration.

Self care taken by yourself

  • -Do not smoke.
  • -Avoid vigorous exercise immediately after the operation.
  • -Usually, you should have a week or so at home before returning to work or school.
  • -Avoid crowded, enclosed areas (such as cinemas) for at least one week, to reduce the risk of infection.
  • -Your sore throat may last for two to three weeks, but try to get back to your normal diet as soon as possible – avoid sticking to a jelly and ice cream diet.
  • -Some foods can cause irritation and pain – avoid sour drinks (such as citrus fruit juices), spicy foods and roughly textured foods for about 10 days.
  • -Avoid taking aspirin, since this pain-relieving medication can cause bleeding. Only take medications recommended by your doctor or surgeon.
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